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I have been in the field of education for 27 years. I love what I do everyday; it is truly a passion and I can not imagine doing anything else! In 2013, I retired as the gifted, special services, and elementary curriculum director for a public school district! I design curricular materials anywhere from Pre-K to 8th grade, and I must say I am partial to classroom/behavior management and English Language Arts.




I have been in the field of education for 27 years. I love what I do everyday; it is truly a passion and I can not imagine doing anything else! In 2013, I retired as the gifted, special services, and elementary curriculum director for a public school district! I design curricular materials anywhere from Pre-K to 8th grade, and I must say I am partial to classroom/behavior management and English Language Arts.
Time Management Strategy for All Super Teachers!

Time Management Strategy for All Super Teachers!

We are all so completely busy! And... I am not sure if you have the same type of problems as myself; however, I am a procrastinator! In saying this, this resource is a printable that includes a strategy for managing your time. In this resource, the "Einstein Urgent Important Principle" is utilized and will prove to be a huge asset! Try it! Specifically, it allows you to prioritize your "to-do" list into four different categories which include: (1) Important and Urgent-- do it now; (2) Important, But Not Urgent-- Plan It; (3) Not Important, But Urgent -- Delegate it; and then (4) Not Important and Not Urgent -- Dump It! Try this printable-- hope you enjoy!
Informational Text Article: Popsicle? An Awesome Creation by Accident!

Informational Text Article: Popsicle? An Awesome Creation by Accident!

Your students will enjoy this informational text article all throughout the spring and on into summer enrichment classes. This is an informational text article that is approximately 750-850 words long. It is the story of how the popsicle was created actually by accident. The article is complete with illustrations and captions as well. At the conclusion of the article, there is a ten question formative quiz with questions ranging from vocabulary, main idea, author's point of view, sequencing, inferring, and predicting. There are also performance- based questions as well! Your students will delight in knowing more about this summer treat that everyone enjoys!
Goal Setting Organizer and Desk Cards for State Assessments

Goal Setting Organizer and Desk Cards for State Assessments

Wow! It is "THAT" time of year! You know... the dreaded state assessments. Take the time to really examine the goals that students can all make for themselves as they investigate their strong points, their areas that need focus, and the steps they need to take to achieve the goals they establish. This is the perfect culminating organizer for student data notebooks. Additionally, there are desk cards (nine to a page) that allow students a constant reminder about the steps they are currently taking to achieve their goal. As well, these cards might also be used to create shorter, incremental goals if need be to meet the larger goal: SUCCESS on the STATE TEST!
Summer Bucket List for Teachers! Get Rid of the Stress!

Summer Bucket List for Teachers! Get Rid of the Stress!

Okay my teacher friends! This is for you! It’s time to think about what YOU want to do this summer to rejuvenate! Increase that dopamine and serotonin! It’s a must to be your best and be able to return in August with your “A-Game!” Use these bucket list cards to choose and write down goals for the summer – professional and personal! Go out have a great day and locate an awesome bucket to “house your goals”! Get a pack of clothespins and clip your goals to your bucket! As you accomplish them, unclip them and drop them in the bucket! Remember that you MUST have professional and personal goals… all work and no play is not healthy! But, most importantly, have fun and relax -- this time is about you and your family so that in August you can be your absolute best!
Needs Assessment Survey for Administrators and Education Majors!

Needs Assessment Survey for Administrators and Education Majors!

Calling all administrators and education majors... This is a four page needs assessment survey which is a great tool for administrators to use on his/her campus to grasp the heartbeat of the culture, achievement, and levels of professional development needed! It is designed in a likert scale format with "4" being the highest score! Sections include: (1) High expectations for student achievement (2) Focusing on teaching and learning (3) Parental and community involvement in the educational program (4) Continuous assessment of students, staff, and programs to evaluate program effectiveness (5) Safe and orderly environment (6) Staff effectiveness and professional development (7) Capable leadership As well, education majors in undergraduate school as well as masters and specialist level candidates in education, this is a great tool for one of your classes which may require such an assignment!
Classroom Management: Positive Notes of Praise!

Classroom Management: Positive Notes of Praise!

Students absolutely love to hear their teachers talk about them in a great, positive way. This packet reinforces that concept that we all know to be true. In this packet, you will find several ways of delivering hand written positive messages to your students. There are notes entitled, “You got caught doing something good!”, “Here’s To You,” and “You Make Me Proud!” Additionally, there are two sets of notes entitled, “It’s the Little Things That Mean So Much.” In these sets, you can check off the things that your students have done well and reward them with just a simple note of praise!
Classroom Management: Which Students Need Help?

Classroom Management: Which Students Need Help?

In this packet, you will find thirty sets of cue cards for students to use at their desk to alert you to how they are working independently. As you are monitoring the room, it is very easy to spot the yellow and red cue cards which let you know that some students are having a bit of difficulty. After establishing the “boundaries and ground rules” for using the cue cards, this tool can serve as a great instructional/classroom management tool. The green card indicates the student is working fine, the yellow card indicates the student is still working; however, he/she is having some difficulty, and the red card indicates that the student can not progress without help!
Informational Text: The Origins of Carving a Pumpkin

Informational Text: The Origins of Carving a Pumpkin

Your students are absolutely sure to be engaged in this informational text! This is an informative article written about the legend behind carving a pumpkin-- a fall favorite past time! The young and old alike love this activity! The article is 458 words long, complete with illustrations and captions that help to explain the information. Also, at the conclusion of the article, there is a six question quiz. The quiz has three multiple choice questions and two open ended questions, and one sequencing question. This text is sure to engage a room full of readers! A great read for your students!
Classroom Management ~ "No Fuss" Lunch Count

Classroom Management ~ "No Fuss" Lunch Count

This simple visual aid will make taking the lunch count each day so much more simple; use this as a simple classroom management tool. This visual aid makes taking the lunch count a simple picnic! Affix each of the five mini-posters on the wall in a prominent place for the students to be able to reach and manipulate. Place each student’s name on a clothespin with a black marker and clip to the “Present” mini-poster. As part of opening school routines and procedures, teach your students, as they arrive to the classroom first thing in the morning, to take their clothespin and clip to one of the appropriate mini-posters to indicate their lunch plans for the day which might be: (1) a hot school lunch; (2) a salad from the salad bar at school; (3) a salad that is solely fruit from the school salad bar; and/or (4) the student may have brought his/her lunch from home. The clothespins which are never moved indicate those students who are either tardy and/or absent. At the conclusion of the day, have a designated student to remove all of the clothespins from the prospective choices, and return them all to the “Present” sign.
Back-to-School: What You Need to Know About Me!

Back-to-School: What You Need to Know About Me!

Start the school year off right with a creative, top-ten countdown activity! Your students will love it! Students are able to introduce themselves to you and their classmates with a list of ten things to learn about them. Have fun and use this as an ice-breaker activity to get the year cranked up!
Classroom Management: Anger Management Training Material for Kiddos!

Classroom Management: Anger Management Training Material for Kiddos!

These twelve slides can serve as an excellent training tool for a parent conference, small group parent workshop, or a larger scale Parent University activity. The content contained in the slides is material published by the ATTitude journal in regards to ADD and ADHD children, teenagers, and adults. Many, many parents are in need of such information. In the set of training slides, reference is noted to two books that parents might want to check out for further information. Specifically, there are ten anger management tips that might be used with your students and his/her parents! The slides are set up to be used as a great presentation and a springboard for further discussion.
PLC Training ~ Making the Grade: How to Energize Learning

PLC Training ~ Making the Grade: How to Energize Learning

In this training and support packet of materials, you will find a powerpoint presentation that can be used for a professional learning community session, a focused faculty meeting, and/or a professional development session. There are a total of fourteen slides which encourage teachers to shift students into "high gear" thinking. The slides focus on the point that as long as students are involved in only memory and recall then they have trouble with "low gear" thinking! The point is made to involve students in "high gear" engaging activities, and they will grasp and retain much more than when asked to simply recall. This training presentation is a "jumping off point" into constructing/creating engaging teaching and learning activities!
March Middle and High School School-Wide and Classroom Incentives

March Middle and High School School-Wide and Classroom Incentives

I am hoping this resource will be most helpful to all of you! This is a set of incentives and reward coupons specifically for middle and high school students. For example, some of the rewards and incentives include: (1) being able to work in the front office for one class period; (2) gaining free admission to one ballgame; (3) earning the opportunity for you, as the teacher, to write a postcard to the students parents with a positive note in regards to the student, and many, many others. Many students need that extra boost just for someone to notice that they have done the right thing. Obviously, we all strive for our students to be able to self-regulate their behavior and ultimately that is our goal in using incentives and coupons that we can get to the point where external motivators are not needed! These incentives carry a March theme; however, there are others available for other months throughout the school year! Use these these incentives and rewards to help motivate students in your classroom. They can be laminated, cut apart, and placed in a storage container for safe keeping. There are hundreds of different ways for you to establish a management system for how a student will earn one of these so that is your task! There are seventeen different pages of incentives and rewards, and each page contains approximately 6-9 coupons/incentives on each page!
Classroom Management: October Positive Notes of Praise!

Classroom Management: October Positive Notes of Praise!

This is an awesome set of notes for positive praise for the month of October. The set of three different positive praise notes are set against an October background and will bolster the motivation level of your students and will be a great source of encouragement. These notes can be given daily or weekly attached to signed papers. It is a great way of communication. Notes include statements such as: "I helped a friend, I tried hard, I finished all of my work,... etc."
Homework and Study Shortcuts and Strategies for Students!

Homework and Study Shortcuts and Strategies for Students!

This is a powerpoint for training and instructional purposes. You will find fourteen slides. Ten of these slides explain homework and study shortcuts that have been proven to be beneficial to upper elementary, middle school, high school, and college students. As well, these strategies have been found to be very helpful with students and adults diagnosed with ADHD. These slides can be used in a focused faculty session, professional development session, or a professional learning community session in working to develop these strategies among teachers to teach students. As well, these slides can be used in working to equip students with these strategies. Finally, these slides can be used in a "Parent University" atmosphere to provide parents with training on the strategies as well.
Reward Bookmarks: What Does the Fox Say?

Reward Bookmarks: What Does the Fox Say?

Enjoy this set of bookmarks with your students! Students always need a great bookmark to hold their place in a great book! Laminate these and place them in the treasure box as well. Also, you might give them out as students check out their new Accelerated Reader books from the library! Have fun and enjoy!
"Blue Bandages" Visual Tracking Tool for Reading

"Blue Bandages" Visual Tracking Tool for Reading

Evidence suggests that children who reverse numbers or letters may have a visual tracking problem that produces dyslexia. Use these “blue bandages” to place under the text or problem that students are working on to help them focus. The “blue bandages” might be placed on a craft stick for more durability or laminated for longer use! This resource packet contains thirty “blue bandages.” Students will be able to focus better on keeping up and tracking as they read with this tool!
Classroom Management ~ Yes or No? It's Your Choice!

Classroom Management ~ Yes or No? It's Your Choice!

In this packet, you will find an awesome classroom management tool for students who are oppositional and refuse to follow directions. Oftentimes, these students fall behind in their academic progress because of challenging behavior. This communication tool is to help increase the chances of these students having a positive response and follow the directions given! The first four pages are the tickets that challenging students can earn for “not wanting to do something but choosing to do it anyway!” The next set of four pages are the tickets that challenging students earn when they “choose to say NO!” This is a great Tier II and/ or Tier III intervention as well!
The Vegetable Group: Mini-Posters for Teaching!

The Vegetable Group: Mini-Posters for Teaching!

In this packet, you will find approximately twenty posters each illustrating a different vegetable. These posters are perfect for posting above the whiteboard while teaching a science and/or health unit on vegetables! Each mini-poster is very colorful and is labeled.
Informational Text: WHO DAT Nation: Drew Brees~ A Highly Decorated NFL Player!

Informational Text: WHO DAT Nation: Drew Brees~ A Highly Decorated NFL Player!

Your students will absolutely love this short passage of nonfiction informational text about none other than the highly decorated Drew Brees-- the New Orleans Saints quarterback. The article begins with information regarding Drew as a child and and gives information about his early life and one sibling. It continues to progress into his high school and college days and culminates with his career in the NFL. At the conclusion of the four page article, complete with illustrations that enhance some of the text, there is a six question formative assessment quiz. The quiz has four multiple choice questions and three open-ended questions asking the student to cite evidence from the text and defend his/her answer. Finally, there is a performance based assessment at the end of the quiz that students are sure to enjoy that includes a project regarding the two homes of Drew Brees. Your students will LOVE this text and the performances based assessment!